Upload information
At the end of your order, you will be able to upload your photos. Before you upload you photos, do rename them (sample: name.lastname_10x15).
If possible, crop the photograph you want to the right size, otherwise we will do it by our estimation.
*production due date starts after the payment of pro forma invoice.
Realistic TEMPLATES are available here.
Collages are composited out of more different sizes and shapes of blocks. Every block has it’s own hole in the back, so it can be hang on the wall.
Mini Adore
4x – 10×15cm (4×6inch)
2x – 20×20cm (8×8inch)
Total size of Mini Adore
45 x 40cm + spacing (18 x 16inch + spacing)
Mini Adore + extra row
4x – 10×15cm (4×6inch)
2x – 20×20cm (8×8inch)
3x – 13×18cm (5×7inch)
Total size of Mini Adore + extra row
63 x 40cm + spacing (25 x 16inch + spacing)
Additional information
Weight | N/A |
Size | Mini Adore, Mini Adore + extra row |